The United States Registry of Exercise Professionals provides a secure database to search and find registered exercise professionals quickly and accurately. Our directory provides essential information to verify a professional's current certification.
To be listed, you must obtain a NCCA-accredited or ISO 17024-compliant certification through a USREPS affiliated organization. Those certified will be automatically registered and added to the USREPS directory for their qualifying role, with no charge.
The CREP “Find Me At” badge helps market your skills by visually verifying your current exercise credentials listed in USREPS. It shows you are equipped to help clients achieve active, healthy lifestyles. The badge allows employers and clients to easily verify your certification status, enhancing your marketability.
1. Download a badge.
2. Ensure your credentials are current and you meet continuing education requirements.
3. Verify your USREPS listing for accuracy; contact your Member Organization for corrections.
4. Be sure to read the Badge Usage Guidelines and Logo Usage Policy.
USReps Badge 80x83 USReps Badge 200x207 USReps Badge 350x362
Click on a badge size to download the image.
If you would like to insert your badge into your email signature in Microsoft Outlook, right-click and save the image (80x83 version recommended), then follow these instructions.
Here's the Registry URL you can use as a hyperlink in your signature:
As healthcare focuses on preventing and treating obesity and chronic conditions, exercise professionals are vital team members. CREP and its Certifying Organizations aim to make physical activity accessible and appealing for everyone.
For questions about using the badge, email