The United States Registry of Exercise Professionals
Search Tips:
  • You don't need to enter data in any particular field to return results, but results will be limited to 500 records if your search criteria is too broad.
  • Entering data in multiple fields will reduce the number of records returned
  • Enter data in just one field to do a broad search, enter data in multiple fields to do a narrow search


Verify your employees’ credentials with confidence using our comprehensive registry dedicated to exercise professionals at USREPS. Our reliable platform allows you to effortlessly search and confirm the validity of your staff’s qualifications.

Stay confident knowing that your team meets the highest standards of competence and professionalism. To ensure the most accurate results, we recommend a two-field verification such as last name and credential code (certification number). The credential code must be completely accurate to validate the professional.

Information displayed on the US Registry of Exercise Professionals (CREP) database is supplied by member organizations.

If you fail to appear in the system please request updates or changes through your certifying organization directly.

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Is your fitness association or organization looking to include your certified professionals in the USREPS registry? Find out if your certification organization meets the eligibility criteria today!