The United States Registry of Exercise Professionals

Badge Options

Follow these easy steps to download the USREPS "Find Me At" badge. By downloading the badge, you agree to the terms and conditions of use as outlined in the Usage Guidelines located on the CREP website. It is the responsibility of the professional to maintain appropriate credentials and complete all required continuing education requirements to use the badge. You agree that it is your professional responsibility to maintain the credential(s) listed in USREPS for the duration of your use of the badge. Member Organizations encourage each professional to check their listing on USREPS to determine if any corrections need to be made to their listing prior to adopting the badge. If a correction needs to made, please contact your Member Organization. If you have any questions about appropriate use of the badge, please email

Be sure to read the Badge Usage Guidelines and Logo Usage Policy.


To download the badge image directly, right click on the image and save it to your computer. 

If you would like to insert your badge into your email signature in Microsoft Outlook, right-click and save the image (80x83 version recommended), then follow these instructions.

Here's the Registry URL you can use as a hyperlink in your signature:

80x83 (best for email signatures)


Black USReps Badge
