The Coalition for the Registration of Exercise Professionals (CREP) champions the interests of registered exercise professionals by addressing regulation, practice access, and scope of work. CREP actively monitors state and federal legislation impacting exercise professionals.
CREP collaborates with policymakers, educators, health and fitness advocacy organizations, and other health professions to enhance professionalism and opportunities for those promoting health, fitness, and performance through physical activity and exercise.
Personal Health Investment Today Act of 2023 (PHIT Act - S.786; H.R.1582) Allows tax-favored accounts to cover physical activity expenses, such as fitness center dues and exercise equipment, with a cap of $1,000 for individuals and $2,000 for families.
Exercise and Fitness for All Act of 2021 (S.2504) Promotes accessible exercise equipment and fitness classes for individuals with disabilities.
Freedom to Invest in Tomorrow's Workforce Act (S.722; H.R.1477) Allows expenses related to postsecondary credentials to be treated as qualified higher education expenses for 529 accounts.
Health Savings Act of 2023 (S.1158; H.R.2959) Expands health savings accounts to include tax deductions for exercise equipment and physical fitness programs.
Promoting Physical Activity for Americans Act (S.397; H.R.2094) Mandates HHS to publish a physical activity report every 10 years with a mid-term report every 5 years, providing recommendations for the public.
For more information, contact the office.
Newly certified professionals are added to the Registry once vetted by certifying organizations. Note that USREPS lists only those from certifying organizations. For a complete list of NCCA-accredited certification programs, visit