The United States Registry of Exercise Professionals

Streamline Your Hiring with USREPS: Effortless Certification Verification for Exercise Professionals

The United States Registry of Exercise Professionals (USREPS) is the premier resource for certification verification of nearly 130,000 exercise professionals worldwide. It covers five fitness professions: Group Exercise Instructors, Personal Trainers, Strength and Conditioning Professionals, and Clinical Exercise Specialists. USREPS provides the most efficient way to verify NCCA-accredited and ISO 17024-compliant certifications for both individuals and groups of professionals.

Verify Employees

USREPS will authenticate and confirm your staff's educational credentials, providing a simplified system to easily oversee and monitor certification.

Key Features
  • Largest Directory: Over 130,000 certified professionals. 
  • Comprehensive Certification Verification: Covers five key fitness professions.
  • Efficient Process: Verify one or multiple professionals at once.

For more information, contact the office.

Newly certified professionals are added to the Registry once vetted by certifying organizations. Note that USREPS lists only those from certifying organizations. For a complete list of NCCA-accredited certification programs, visit