The United States Registry of Exercise Professionals (USREPS) offers a streamlined way to verify the credentials of exercise professionals. The secure system provides essential information, ensuring professionals are qualified and hold valid NCCA-accredited or ISO 17024-compliant certifications to meet requirements in their role. Utilize the registry to ensure you are working with/find certified coaches and personal trainers who meet fitness instructor qualifications or other qualified professionals who can provide the expertise necessary to meet safety requirements in health, fitness, or performance goals.
Name, locations, credentials, and expiration date.
Focuses on current certifications for ease of use.
Serves consumers, employers, and regulators.
For more information, contact the office.
Newly certified professionals are added to the Registry once vetted by certifying organizations. Note that USREPS lists only those from certifying organizations. For a complete list of NCCA-accredited certification programs, visit