The Coalition for the Registration of Exercise Professionals CREP® advocates for the registered exercise professional on issues that pertain to regulation, access to practice, and scope of work. As part of that effort, CREP® actively monitors state and federal regulatory bills and legislation which may impact the registered exercise professional and their scope of work.
CREP® continuously seeks opportunities to partner with policymakers, educators, health advocacy organizations, and other health and medical professions on policy that enhances the level of professionalism and opportunities for professionals who provide the leadership and expertise for communities looking to enhance their health, fitness or performance through movement, physical activity or exercise.
Helpful list of Acronyms and Key Definitions
Legislation We Are Currently Monitoring
Legislation We Are Currently Monitoring
Federal Legislation
Personal Health Investment Today Act of 2023 (PHIT Act - S.786; H.R.1582)
The Personal Health Investment Today Act (PHIT) would change the types of expenditures that could be payable out of tax-favored health savings accounts (HSAs), flexible spending accounts (FSAs), medical savings accounts (MSAs) and/or medical reimbursement arrangements. The PHIT Act would allow consumers to include prevention in the form of increased physical activity, allowing fitness center dues, payments for some exercise equipment, youth sports/physical activity fees and other costs associated with active lifestyles to be paid with pre-tax dollars up to $1,000 cap for individuals and $2,000 for families. The PHIT Act gives consumers the option of using their pre-tax medical funds for physical activity to prevent illness and to live a healthy lifestyle.
Exercise and Fitness for All Act of 2021 – (S.2504)
A bill to promote the provision of exercise or fitness equipment, and exercise or fitness classes and instruction, that are accessible to individuals with disabilities.
Freedom to Invest in Tomorrow's Workforce Act – (S.722; H.R.1477)
The bill would permit certain expenses including tuition, fees, books, equipment associated with obtaining or maintaining recognized postsecondary credentials to be treated as qualified higher education expenses for purposes of 529 accounts.
Health Savings Act of 2023 – (S.1158; H.R.2959)
The bill seeks to improve access to health care through expanded health savings accounts, including allowing for tax deductions for exercise equipment and physical fitness programs.
Promoting Physical Activity for Americans Act – (S.397; H.R.2094)
This bill would require HHS to publish a report every 10 years and a 5 year midway report that provides physical activity recommendations for the people of the United States. Each report would contain physical activity information and recommendations for consideration and use by the general public.
CREP Partnerships and Coalitions
CREP actively participates in the Physical Activity Alliance (PAA). The mission of the Physical Activity Alliance is to lead efforts to create, support, and advocate policy and system changes that enable all Americans to enjoy physically active lives.
The Moving Together Outside webpage has officially launched. Please visit the home page to get involved!
Last updated: August 2021.