The United States Registry of Exercise Professionals

How Exercise Professionals Can Help Reduce Fall Risks in Older Adults

September 18, 2023

Falls Prevention Awareness Week is a national health campaign observed each year on the first day of fall. Its goal is to raise awareness around preventing falls, reducing the risk of falls, and helping older adults live without fear of falling.

Falls are the leading cause of fatal and non-fatal injuries among older adults, and 1 out of 4 U.S. older adults will fall each year. The National Council on Aging developed a Falls Prevention Awareness Week Toolkit to spread the message that there are steps older adults can take to prevent a fall. The very first step—out of the six steps outlined—is to find a balance or exercise program.

Registered exercise professionals can help older adults build the stability, strength and flexibility needed to prevent falls. Specifically, they can:

  1. Develop exercise programs that mix activities which improve balance with aerobic and muscle strengthening activities.
  2. Deliver safe and effective programming by tailoring exercises to their clients’ health and activity levels.
  3. Support clients in starting and maintaining an exercise program, addressing the most cited reason—lack of motivation—why older adults do not engage in physical activity.

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