The United States Registry of Exercise Professionals

Get Kids Moving for Every Kid Healthy Week

April 24, 2023

Every Kid Healthy Week is held annually during the last week of April to raise awareness about children’s health. Only about 1 in 4 U.S. children participates in the recommended 60 minutes of physical activity every day, earning us a D- in overall physical activity in the 2022 U.S. Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth. As part of their daily 60 minutes, children should include at least three days a week of bone-strengthening activities (running, jumping rope) and muscle-strengthening activities (climbing, resistance exercises).

Registered exercise professionals with specialty training in youth fitness programming can help get kids moving by:

  1. Leading fitness programs with a variety of aerobic, muscle-strengthening and bone- strengthening activities that are age- and skill-level appropriate.
  2. Connecting with kids to build their confidence in and enjoyment of physical activity.
  3. Engaging parents in their children’s fitness programming.

Check out our registry to find a registered exercise professional near you.