The United States Registry of Exercise Professionals

Elevating the Fitness Profession Around the Globe with Portability

February 03, 2023

Meet Alexis Batrakoulis, a certified exercise professional. He is a personal trainer, a group fitness instructor and an exercise physiologist. Internationally recognized for his work, he was named 2018 IDEA Personal Trainer of the Year, 2020 NSCA Personal Trainer of the Year and 2022 ACSM Certified Professional of the Year.

As Alexis looks back at his 29 years in the health & fitness industry, he identifies lifelong learning as the most critical factor for a successful career in the industry. He credits certifications for promoting lifelong learning since holders must renew their certifications every two to three years. According to Alexis, “I always believed that academic credentials should be combined with credible and internationally recognized professional certifications in order for the holders to be at the top of their game.”

Based in Greece, where he trains his clients, Alexis has traveled to 40 countries across five continents as a fitness educator and subject matter expert. He sees "portability"—which supports international recognition of certifications and the ability to transfer qualified certifications to work in other ICREPs member-countries—as the future of the industry. “Education, certification, and lifelong learning have no borders,” says Alexis. “The ability to work in other regions under the same ‘umbrella’ provides professionals with great opportunities enhancing innovation and excellence while elevating the fitness profession around the globe.”

Request a portability letter for your certification if you are seeking to move internationally.