The United States Registry of Exercise Professionals
Our Purpose

Why USREPS Was Formed

USREPS was created to help advance the mission of the Coalition for the Registration of Exercise Professionals (CREP), a not-for-profit 501 C(6) corporation composed of leading certification organizations offering NCCA or ISO 17024 accredited programs for distinct exercise professional roles recognized by the U.S. Department of Labor.

USREPS provides leadership to the exercise profession during a time in which the profession has experienced more attention and scrutiny when it comes to professional qualification standards.

Our organization seeks to set and uphold professional standards by sending a unified message, backed by nationally recognized best practices, to the industry, policymakers and other organizations who share our mission. You can read more about our organization’s shared values here.

Our Purpose: Advancing the Fitness Profession

USREPS exists and operates with one goal in mind: to advance the fitness profession while validating and empowering exercise professionals. We recognize just how much goes into accomplishing this mission and have broken down every aspect of our organization’s purpose below.

Our Plan

Our Plan for Advancing the Fitness Profession

Below is the strategic plan created by USREPS designed to advance the profession and support certified exercise professionals.

  • Provide an internationally recognized directory for qualified fitness professionals in the U.S.
  • Support portability for exercise professionals holding an NCCA-accredited or ISO 17024 compliant exercise certification by connecting USREPS to international registries.
  • Advocate for regulatory issues at the local, state and federal levels.
  • Promote the profession while defending the professional scope of practice.
  • Engage domestic and international standard-setting organizations on behalf of the fitness and exercise professional.