The United States Registry of Exercise Professionals


What is the “Find Me At” Badge?

The “Find Me On” digital badge is an electronic visual representation that verifies your current exercise professional credentials listed in the United States Registry of Exercise Professionals® (USREPS).

Who can use the “Find Me At” Badge?

  • Any exercise professional listed in USREPS.
  • Any employer that employs professionals listed in USREPS for the appropriately qualified staff on profile pages.

CREP provides the “Find Me On” badge to professionals and employers to help market the skills of the eligible exercise professionals.

Why would I use the “Find Me At” Badge?

The badge recognizes your achievement as a qualified exercise professional listed in the United States Registry of Exercise Professionals® (USREPS). This badge indicates that you are a leader who can assist in safely and effectively facilitating client goals of achieving more active, healthy lifestyles through movement, physical activity or exercise for recreation or performance. Let your employer and clients know you are internationally recognized! The badge will provide a visual mechanism to alert employers and consumers of your certification(s) status.

Through the use of the badge, CREP encourages professionals to maintain certification among our member organizations and invites consumers, referring professionals and employers to verify current exercise professional certifications from member organizations.

How do I access and download the badge?

Follow the step-by-step download instructions on this webpage. The Registry’s detailed metadata can be attached for easy look-up in USREPS.

Are there any guidelines I must follow to use the badge appropriately? The Usage Guidelines outlines the approved uses of the badge, including size, color, and placement. The guidelines contain hard copy and web-based/electronic examples of how to display the badge for optimal use.

Where do I put it & how do I use it?

The Usage Guidelines contain hard copy and web-based/electronic examples of how to display the badge for optimal use. Professionals and employers can use the badge on social media platforms, business cards, and web-based advertising.

What are the Terms of Use?

By accessing and downloading the “Find Me At” badge, you agree to the terms and conditions as outlined in the Usage Guidelines. It is the responsibility of the professional to maintain appropriate credentials and complete all required continuing education requirements to use the badge. You agree that it is your professional responsibility to maintain the credential(s) listed in USREPS for the longevity of the use of the badge.