The United States Registry of Exercise Professionals

Employee Certification Verification

Welcome Employers

The United States Registry of Exercise Professionals® (USREPS®) provides verification of valid credentials for the largest number of exercise professionals in the world. With nearly 200,000 certificants, representing five fitness professions, USREPS® serves as the sole clearing house for verified NCCA-accredited certifications for Group Exercise Instructors, Personal Trainers, Pilates Teachers, Strength and Conditioning Professionals and Clinical Exercise Specialists. 

USREPS offers the most efficient and streamlined method of positively verifying the current professional credentials of prospective and existing staff. Follow the instructions below to verify a single professional or verify a large group of professionals at one time.

To insure the most accurate results, we recommend a two-field verification such as last name and credential code (certification number). The credential code must be completely accurate to validate the professional. 

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